At Marino Counselling Centre, the growth and practical experience of our Students is critical to us. 



• The Marino Counselling Center prioritizes creating a strong community and support network for their interns/student placements.
• Staff group chats not only serve as a method for sharing the latest research and best practices in the field of psychology but are also used to foster and develop teamwork and camaraderie amongst the staff and interns.
• Being a therapist can be a lonely profession at times, which is why the Marino Counselling Centre hosts and coordinates networking nights to ensure their therapists and interns have a support system where they can connect with their colleagues and develop supportive working relationships.
• Picking the Marino Counselling Center is a great way to give back to the community here in Dublin, while also being able to have the support needed to thrive as an intern/student placement.


• Time management is key to being successful as an intern. You will learn as you progress in your internship that staying on top of responsibilities and assignments is vital.
• Making self-care a priority by utilising support systems, tools and resources is extremely important.
• The hours spent as a student intern working with clients provides an opportunity to utilise what has been learned in a classroom setting and will enrich future learning due to the “real life” experience, making you a better student as well as a better therapist.


Marino Counselling Dublin

• While often overlooked, administrative skills are a vital part of being a successful therapist. Keeping track of dates and times and scheduling is a necessary tool.
• There is more to being a therapist than just having “inter-personal” skills. Having business savvy and being able to manage the financials is key to staying in business and being able to continue helping clients.
• Remaining curious, keeping an open mind and having a growth mindset with a willingness to be a lifelong learner are key components to being a successful therapist.